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Northern Stem Canker - Agronomic Impact

Yield losses due to Northern stem canker have increased in some parts of the region over the past several years.
Photo credit: Paul Esker, University of Wisconsin

Losses from stem canker in the North Central region have been low compared to other soybean diseases, but have been increasing significantly in the past few years, particularly in Wisconsin, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa.

The impact on individual soybean farmers may be severe when fields in a specific locale experience a high incidence of disease. Northern stem canker has been seen at up to 50% incidence in individual fields, with yield reductions from 50 to 80%.

Northern stem canker affects crop yield by girdling the stem and preventing pod fill. In extreme cases, plants will yield virtually nothing. If stem girdling occurs late in the season, seed size and yield will be much less affected.