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Soybean Library
Publications from land-grant university research and Extension programs of all 12 NCSRP partner states
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Recent releases
Stinkbugs on Soybean and Other Field Crops - Ohio State University, June 2013 NCSRP Soybean Aphid Field Guide - North Central Soybean Research Program, May 2013 Fungicides for Field Crops - American Phytopathological Society, edited by Daren Mueller, Iowa State University, Dec 2012. Soybean cyst nematode-resistant soybean varieties for Iowa - 2013 Iowa State University and Iowa Soybean Association Soybean aphid-resistant soybean varieties for Iowa - 2013 Iowa State University and Iowa Soybean Association Biology, Yield loss and Control of Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Soybean -Journal of Integrated Pest Management 3(2): 2012. 10 Yield-Limiting Factors in Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Growth Stages of Agronomic Crops - University of Illinois |
Aphids![]() |
Soybean Aphid Field Guide - North Central Soybean Research Program, May 2013 Soybean aphid-resistant soybean varieties for Iowa - 2013 Iowa State University and Iowa Soybean Association Soybean Reproductive Growth Stages and Soybean Aphid Action Thresholds - University of Wisconsin Soybean Aphid Field Guide 2nd Edition - Iowa State University
Soybean Aphid factsheets
Soybean Aphids webpage - Northern Plains IPM Guide A Visual Guide to the Number of Soybean Aphids per Leaflet - University of Wisconsin |
Anthracnose |
Anthracnose of Soybean webpage - University of Minnesota |
Bacterial diseases |
Bacterial Diseases of Soybean - University of Nebraska Bacterial Blight and Brown Spot - Iowa State University |
Bean leaf beetle |
Bean Leaf Beetle - Kansas State University
Biological control of insect pests |
Biological Control of Insect Pests on Field Crops in Kansas (pdf) Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America (website) |
Brown marmorated stink bug
Stinkbugs on Soybean and Other Field Crops - Ohio State University, June 2013 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - Iowa Soybean Association |
Brown stem rot |
A troublesome trio: SCN, SDS and BSR - Iowa Soybean Association Brown Stem Rot of Soybean Ohio State University Soybean Brown Stem Rot Iowa State University Brown Stem Rot University of Wisconsin |
Brown Spot -- seeSeptoria |
Cercospora |
Purple Seed Stain and Cercospora Blight webpage - University of Nebraska |
Charcoal Rot |
Charcoal Rot of Soybean - Kansas State University Charcoal Rot of Soybean- Ohio State University Charcoal Rot - Purdue University |
Downy mildew | ||
Frogeye leaf spot
Frogeye Leaf Spot - Purdue University
Fungicide use in soybean |
Fungicides for Field Crops - American Phytopathological Society, edited by Daren Mueller, Iowa State University, Dec 2012. Foliar Fungicide Use in Soybean - University of Nebraska |
Green stem disorder |
Green Stem Disorder in Michigan Soybeans Green Stem Fact Sheet - University of Illinois |
Insect pests |
Defoliators on Soybean - Ohio State University Crop Insects of Kansas - order from Kansas State University Publications Field Crop Insects - Iowa State University Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - Iowa Soybean Association |
Iron deficiency chlorosis
--Video with Jim Orf, University of Minnesota Dept. of Agronomy
Japanese beetle |
Japanese beetle - University of Illinois Extension |
Phytophthora root and stem rot |
Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybeans - Iowa State University Management of Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybean- Univ of Nebraska Phytophthora Damping Off and Root Rot of Soybean - Ohio State University Phytopthora Root and Stem Rot - South Dakota State University |
Powdery mildew | Powdery Mildew of Soybean - University of Wisconsin | |
Rhizoctonia |
Rhizoctonia Damping Off and Stem Rot of Soybean - Ohio State University (pdf) Rhizoctonia Root and Stem Rot of Soybeans - University of llinois Rhizoctonia Root and Stem Rot - Minnesota Crop Diseases |
Sclerotinia Stem Rot |
See White Mold |
Seedling disorders | Early Season Scouting - Iowa State University | |
Septoria (Brown Spot) |
Brown Spot of Soybean (Septoria) - University of Nebraska |
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN)
SCN Management Guide 5th Edition Soybean Cyst Nematode Management Field Guide 2nd edition, Iowa State University Interpreting SCN Soil Testing Results- Iowa State University Scouting for SCN- Iowa State University Soybean Cyst Nematode- Iowa State University SCN Webpages University of Nebraska Winter Annual Weeds and Soybean Cyst Nematode Management - Purdue University |
Soybean Pest & Disease
Profitable Soybean Disease Management in Ohio Early Season Scouting - Iowa State University Mid-season Soybean Scouting - Iowa State University and Iowa Soybean Association |
Soybean Production Guides most include an extensive section on pests and diseases
North Dakota Soybean Production Guide - North Dakota State University Kansas Soybean Production Handbook Minnesota Soybean Field Book Soybean Production in Missouri Corn, Wheat, Soybean and Alfalfa Field Guide - Ohio State University Soil Matters - Iowa Soybean Association Advanced Soil Organic Matter Management - Michigan State University Signs of Drought Stress in Soybean - Purdue University |
Soybean rust |
Illinois Soybean Rust Information Center (website) ![]() The Rust Report (website) Iowa State University Soybean Rust ID Card Soybean Rust - University of Missouri Soybean Growth Stages (for rust scouting) Preparing for Asian Soybean Rust - Purdue University Asian Soybean Rust - South Dakota State University Common Soybean Disease and Asian Soybean Rust - Iowa State University Using Soybean Fungicides to Manage Rust Avoid a tank tri-mix on soybeans - University of Wisconsin |
Stem canker | Stem Canker of Soybean - University of Wisconsin | |
Sudden death syndrome![]() |
SDS-resistant soybean varieties for Iowa 2011 A troublesome trio: SCN, SDS and BSR - Iowa Soybean Association Sudden Death Syndrome Fact Sheet - Iowa State University Sudden Death Syndrome - Purdue University Sudden Death Syndrome - University of Minnesota Sudden Death Syndrome - Michigan State University Sudden Death Syndrome Fact Sheet - University of Illinois |
Virus diseases |
Response of soybean cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus infection. 2007. Plant Disease 91:719-726. Pedersen, P., C. Grau, E. Cullen, N. Koval and J. Hill. 2007. Potential for integrated management of soybean virus disease. Plant Disease 91:. |
Weeds |
Managing Weed Resistance for Higher Yield Stewardship Keeps Technology Working for You. Iowa Soybean Association, 2012 Practical Weed Sciene for the Field Scout - IPM1007 Herbicide Mode of Action and Injury Symptoms - University of Minnesota |
White Mold
Management of White Mold in Soybean - NCSRP Scouting White Mold in Soybean - Iowa State University and Iowa Soybean Association |