Archive for the 'Variety selection' Category

Tips for successful no-till soybean production
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

No-till farming is a growing practice in many areas of the United States. An estimated 50 percent of the acres planted to soybeans in 2009 were done so without tillage according to a recent USDA Economic Research Service report. Farmers are adapting no-till soybean production at a faster rate than they are for corn, cotton [...]

Variety selection is the first step to profitable soybean production
Monday, November 9th, 2009

Missouri soybean farmer Kip Cullers amazed the world with his record soybean yield of 139 bushels per acre in 2006. He shocked the farming community in 2007 with another world record soybean yield of 154 bushels per acre. He attributes his success to having the right soil, application of the right amount of water, making [...]