Archive for the 'Best management practices' Category

Tips for successful no-till soybean production
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

No-till farming is a growing practice in many areas of the United States. An estimated 50 percent of the acres planted to soybeans in 2009 were done so without tillage according to a recent USDA Economic Research Service report. Farmers are adapting no-till soybean production at a faster rate than they are for corn, cotton [...]

Manage SCN to reduce severity of SDS
Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

This year, many Midwest farmers discovered first-hand the effect of root infection by the fungal pathogen that causes sudden death syndrome (SDS): yield losses of 40 percent were recorded in some fields. But it’s not just SDS that is limiting yield in soybean fields. Wounds caused by soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) and by maturing females [...]

Refine management strategies to improve soybean yield
Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Farmers will need to employ multiple tactics to improve soybean yield. The most important will be employing management tactics that improve soybean root health. A healthy soybean root is an important component to soybean yield. A soybean plant with a healthy root system is more efficient in taking up water and nutrients, and can better [...]

Tips for higher soybean yields
Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Producing high yielding soybeans takes teamwork. The right genetics, a blessing from Mother Nature and the right management decisions by you make a profitable and unbeatable team. Although it’s difficult to predict what curves Mother Nature will throw at you, there are things you can do now to put the odds of bin-busting yields in [...]

Soybean Farmers Deliver Increased Profits
Monday, October 12th, 2009

Investments by soybean farmers into soybean research are paying off in a really BIG way. Scientists at Michigan State University reported that the economic threshold of 250 aphids/plant for managing soybean aphids, a threshold developed using soybean checkoff dollars, will save farmers $1.3 billion over a 15 year period. The information collected from the checkoff-funded [...]

Resilience: Develop Management Skills to Improve Profitability
Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

The road to profitability in soybean production can sometimes be difficult to maneuver. Rapidly rising input costs, such as land rent and seed costs, plus those unexpected expenses, such as insecticide for aphid control, can quickly eliminate the narrow margins typical to soybean production. Improving the profitability of your operation takes resolve to sharpen your [...]