Archive for the 'Insect Pests' Category

The brown marmorated stink bug: Getting ready for a potentially serious pest
Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

It’s a serious threat Midwest farmers are faced with another harmful pest from Asia, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). Its name describes its color pattern (marmorated, meaning marble-like or speckled) on its shield-like back, and what it smells like if it’s threatened or squished. However, its name does not tell the story of how [...]

It’s aphid season again. Are you ready?
Monday, May 10th, 2010

Soybean aphid is the most significant above-ground pest that farmers face today. Aphids reduce soybean yield and farmer profitability. They may even transmit viral diseases that can reduce seed quality at harvest. They’re born pregnant so populations can explode almost as quickly as you can turn your head. Farmers could be facing another year of [...]

Tips for higher soybean yields
Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Producing high yielding soybeans takes teamwork. The right genetics, a blessing from Mother Nature and the right management decisions by you make a profitable and unbeatable team. Although it’s difficult to predict what curves Mother Nature will throw at you, there are things you can do now to put the odds of bin-busting yields in your [...]